A new study suggests that higher intakes of Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA, DPA, and DHA, may protect against acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in healthy men. ACS is a term used to describe a range of symptoms, including chest pains and unstable angina. T he study, conducted in Denmark with over 57,000 participants, found that men who consumed more than 0.39 grams of PUFAs per day had a 27% lower risk of ACS compared to those who consumed less than 0.39 grams per day.
Previous research has also linked Omega-3 fatty acids to improved heart health, including better blood lipid levels, reduced tendency of thrombosis, and improved vascular function. A recent review recommended daily intakes of 500 mg or more of EPA and DHA for healthy individuals and up to 1,000 mg for those with heart disease or heart failure.
If you’re interested in nutritional supplements for cardiovascular health, you can check out these Omega-3 supplements.
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Lunston Bryan

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